Archives: July 2013
Fourth Series: Lesson Paper 4a – Figure Planes and their Traces
Fourth Series: Lesson Paper 1a – Rules or Axioms to be Observed by Students of Orthographic Projection
Packard Runabout – Chassis Drawing for Assignments (Cyanotype)
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The final step in the process. A cyanotype reproduction of the final drawing would be made and sent to the student. This is one of the cyanotype reproductions that would be sent to students for adding their own bodies, with the following instructions:
Instructions to Pupil. – Copy in black crayon the design on this sheet, increasing the size by about one-quarter, and observing all suggestions contained in Lesson Paper No. 1. Return to the instructor, by parcel post, prepaid, within one week after receipt, when the following lesson will be forwarded to you. Put no writing on either the copy or original drawing and do not seal the envelope. All questions must be sent by letter mail. Be sure, however, before returning your copy, to place upon it the number assigned you on the Teachers’ List of Corresponding Pupils, the he may identify it.
Packard Runabout – Chassis Drawing for Assignments (Original)
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This is the same Packard runabout, only now Johnson has further simplified the drawings, removing all bodywork except for the engine cover and radiator shell. A drawing like this would be reproduced as a cyanotype and sent to students for adding their own bodies.
Packard Runabout – First Reproduction
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This item shows the next stage in Johnson’s production of the chassis drawings he assigned for his students to use. It’s a black & white reproduction of the original drawing shown in the previous entry, with some of the details removed.
Packard Runabout – Andrew F. Johnson’s Original Drawings
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This is a special item, one of the few drawings in the National Automotive History Collection’s portfolio of Andrew F. Johnson’s correspondence course for auto designers that is an original drawing in Johnson’s own hand. Another interesting thing about this item is that it shows the process by which Johnson created the other drawings used as homework assignments. This is a paste up that includes Johnson’s side view of a Packard runabout, about a 1913 model (based on how it looks and the vintage of the other cars he used in the course), along with half views of the front and rear, along with the beginnings of a plan view of the chassis. The drawings of the cars in this item are fully detailed, with bodywork and a folding roof.